Community Schools Strategy Outcomes

As of 2020, these were the strategy outcomes:

  • SGA helped to create the first ever student government at Erwin Middle.
  • SGA working with Asheville Middle School (AMS) students and staff to create and student government. SGA has answered numerous questions via phone/email, attended student government candidate interviews and meetings to help create the structure of student government at AMS. They were at AMS to give the candidates tips on campaign posters and speeches and to build excitement for the end of election week. They plan to attend AMS SGA meetings (1st and 3rd Friday’s of the month) to help the elected members run a smooth and effective student government.
  • Student leadership is a central component to the community school strategy.
  • Connecting OLLI members to ongoing volunteer opportunities in local schools.
  • Organizing admissions to have a presence as community school resource events and career fairs.
  • Connecting Community school to our Admission staff and Jr. Bulldog program.